Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

What information do we collect?

We collect information about visitors to our site using Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica services. This is done in order to study the behavior of visitors, identify segments of the target audience and create a convenient and useful resource where our user can easily find all the information of interest.

With the help of Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica, we collect the following data:

  • Information about search queries that bring you to our site.
  • Data about which browser you use, what operating system is installed, what resolution the monitor has, what type of mobile device (if you access our site using a phone).
  • Information about the geographical location, gender and language.
  • Information about your behavior on the site: time and depth of browsing, mouse movements, keystrokes.

In addition, we collect other information:

  • All the letters you send to our e-mail – we process user questions, give answers, improve the work of our services.
  • Questionnaires and feedback forms that you fill out.
  • Your personal data: full surname and first name, e-mail and home address, telephone number.
  • The calls you make to us and the calls we make to you.
  • your IP.
  • Website entry time.
  • Cookie data.

When you go to the site, cookies are sent to your computer – data that allows you to authenticate the user, save the user’s personal settings, and keep statistics about the user.

Cookies are needed to make the user feel as comfortable as possible. Thanks to them, you do not have to enter your login and password every time, change settings. The site automatically adjusts to a specific user.

If you do not want cookies to be sent to your computer, you can prevent your browser from receiving cookies by changing your settings. However, please note that this may adversely affect the performance of some web services.

How do we use the information we collect?

The information received allows us to:

  • Create a website that meets the needs of our users by improving functionality, developing clear navigation, posting useful content, and creating convenient services.
  • Determine the needs of site visitors based on the reaction to the information offered and write effective texts.
  • Give users access to interactive options on the site. Inform you about changes that relate to our services.
  • Provide the data you request and information that might be of interest to you: commercial offer, news, etc.
  • Improve the quality of customer service: provide answers to questions, respond to your comments.
  • Provide the services you ordered on our website.

Storage, termination of processing and security of your personal information.

To protect the personal data of our users, we use all necessary security measures: administrative, managerial and technical. We comply with international standards for the protection of information collected on the Internet.

All employees who work for us adhere to the rules within the privacy policy.

Our site guarantees no leakage of information and its unauthorized modification and use.

While we do our best to protect your personal information, you still need to take precautions when you are online.

We do not provide any confidential information to third parties. The following cases are an exception:

  • You have given your permission for the disclosure of personal data.
  • The provision of confidential information was required by the legislation.

The processing of personal information will be terminated in the following cases:

  • Liquidation of IP Yudin Evgeny Alekseevich as a legal entity.
  • Wish of the owner of personal data.

Our privacy policy applies only to our website.

Sometimes on our site you can see links to the websites of companies that are our partners or advertisers. By clicking on these links, you go to the site, which has its own privacy policy, which means its own rules. We are not responsible for them.

Therefore, we ask you to read these rules before providing your personal data.


Can there be changes to the privacy policy?

If there are changes to the privacy policy, details will be posted on this page. In some cases, we communicate this by email.